
**Most services can be scaled from Individual to Group offerings**

Leadership Consulting

We take a customized approach within a strategic framework using the “P.U.L.S.E” method to aid leaders in defining their role and effectively impacting others.

DISC Training Solutions

DISC assessments are also extremely beneficial in personal applications. One of the most important steps in development is understanding yourself and others. These are two things that can help strengthen the relationships in your life.

Character Development                     Strategies

Organizations hinge on human interactions. Whether in the boardroom or on the frontline, when people turn up with ineffective behaviors the resulting friction can ripple out into an unproductive culture where potential goes unrealized. By giving individuals and teams the resources to exercise greater agency over their behaviors, Heartstyles eliminates these barriers to growth.


The Color Code is the most revolutionary and ACCURATE measurement of your personality available on the market today. Once you have learned the Color Code you will never see yourself or others the same again!